February 15, 2025


Art Shines Through

My Covid19 Takeaway – Maniscalco Gallery

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My Covid19 Takeaway – Maniscalco Gallery

Heart Mini

A year and a half in of mask wearing, social distancing, and just like that, I got the Covid. And it’s kickin my ass. I’m so glad I’m vaxed and boosted. As an added precaution, I also opted to take the PAXLOVID ani-virals, from Pfizer, a regiment consisting of six pills a day for 5 days. Still, even with all this, it’s been a pretty rough ride.


But I woke up on day five of symptoms and taking the antivirals, with just mild congestion. Still in a mental fog. I am feeling a little nausea, probably a reaction to my other meds. I also had concerns regarding an earlier inner ear infection, which some years ago left me with inner ear sensitivities. Fortunately, I have not lost my sense of taste or smell. Hoping for a neg test by tomorrow.

UPDATE:  After seven days, I got what looked like a negative test. But as we looked very carefully, I am still positive. And not only that, my body is now going haywire. My skin is crawling and I am hallucinating. I woke up several times last night from crazy and frightening nightmares.  How could a disease, that has so profoundly impacted my own life, not be having similar consequences throughout society. Over a million dead, of course. But what about the millions of survivors? How have their lives been changed? I begin to realize from what has become a profound health adventure, the seismic consequences of our government’s bungling inaction, from the get-go.


This insight comes the same day Novavax, the company I bought stock in even before operation WarpSpeed, has now finally gone belly up. Remember Trump’s cronies stealing 1.6 billion to win the race for a vaccination even a Republican could love? They finally got their product to market and of course now there is no demand. So, like many like myself, who thought they might cash in on a sure bet, I got stiffed along with the rest of Trump’s band of blunderers. Does anyone remember that catastrophic shit show, that was his “handling” of the pandemic? What a miserable joke he was. He destroyed our economy. But he can’t be blamed. But now, we have inflation as suppliers struggle to meet new demand. That we can blame on Biden. Trump disrupted the supply chains for many years to come, but that’s not Trump’s fault!


Getting Covid is now tragic, chronic inevitability, an avoidable catastrophe, effecting billions of humans, all because of one man’s ineptitude. Let’s see if he gets blamed for any of the other crimes he committed. Remember the good old days, when trying to overthrow the government might land a person in hot water? That’s why the remainder of this blog, really got my blood boiling.

My good friend, [who’s name a regret mentioning in an earlier version of this blog. I interrupt this blog to make a public apology to this person, not only a dear friend, but a very thoughtful health professional. We may not always agree on everything, but I was wrong to use her name here without permission. I don’t recall ever doing so in the past. It is wrong and I should know better. I am very sorry.] wished me well and gave me some professional advice regarding my Covid experience, saying, “Feel better Rob. Do yourself a favor and stay away from further boosters. The vaxed and unvaxxed are getting through it, however there are more boosted vaxed than unvaxxed currently in our Michigan hospitals with other infections, cancers once in remission and new cancers, new onset heart failure, arrhythmias, …the list goes on and on. I totally believe this is not coincidental. Never in my [over thirty] years of nursing have I seen what I am seeing now. Many of the older nurses are seeing this as well. Our bodies are not meant to be challenged in this way.”



Asked why her anecdotal evidence is not being widely reported and if she had evidence of such claims and whether, as a nurse, suggesting that perhaps this hyperbole was irresponsible, she responded, as expected, by providing two dubious sources which reported an increase in SARS related deaths in young athletes as PROOF that the vax was indeed a deadly alternative in the treatment of Covid 19. Although the articles she provided were very compelling and emotional, they reek of a thesis in search of proof rather than proof in search of a thesis. I said, “we don’t need is refutable proof from reputable sources. We need irrefutable proof from irreputable sources.” In fact, we do have proof that because of the vaccinations, millions will not have died, who otherwise would have.



I continued: “Having read your articles, and in consideration of the much larger context of acting as a responsible citizen of the Earth to contain the pandemic, a statistically small increase in the number of SAD and cancer deaths is the unfortunate price we have to pay as a society to prevent mass extinction. Alternative means to combat the virus were not available. There are more options now and people should become educated about what is right not just for themselves but for the good of the community.”



I believe, as do most in the scientific community, that it is because of vaccination resistors, falling mostly along political lines, that we still are living with Covid. Had more people been vaccinated, Covid19 might likely have been wiped out before it had the chance to grow and evolve into the variety of Covid strains with which we must now all live.




I did not attend my son’s recital yesterday because I’m still isolating. Another parent of another performer, who also was infected with Covid, during the same time I was, did attend, masked, etc. I chose caution. She chose significantly less caution. She put others at greater risk. I sacrificed something by not seeing my son perform live (I watched the video, he was fantastic!). It is likely this other parent infected others with Covid, last evening, while I did not. I also chose to get vaccinated and boosted; I accepted those risks, those sacrifices as well, because at the time, these were clearly the only best options. I would do the same thing again today, if given the choice, because it was right not just for me, but for the rest of humanity.



The above were two personal choices that directly affected others in the community. Every day, each of us have both a personal and collective responsibility to survive pandemics. We must come together on a global scale for the public good, now and in the future. We will not survive as a species without a commitment to both these principals. It’s the “me first and only” mentality which will ultimately be mankind’s undoing. We are the only species on Earth who can choose to put ourselves as individuals over the herd, as it seems we have. That is why we will not survive.



My concern is in the next pandemic, now that our species has discovered “self-preservation” provides individuals with the ability to survive at the expense of the herd, we will have set a very dangerous precedent. This is something brand new in human history. In past pandemics, it was get vaccinated or die. We got off relatively easily with Covid19. By setting a “do only what’s good for me and only me” precedent to dealing with a pandemic, when something does come along, perhaps even more virulent and deadly, we will surely not survive. And “we the people” will have signed our own species’ death warrant.



Let us all pray I’m wrong, again.


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