February 15, 2025


Art Shines Through

Learning Lines with Line Stations

Learning Lines with Line Stations

So I’ve been thinking about a couple of things (which explains the burning smell). Last fall, I tried some “Halloween centers” or stations that my students rotated through. I did this on the day our school was having fall parties and costumes because I knew the kids were going to be excited and I wanted to ride that wave of excitement. I liked it, the kids loved it and I thought I should do it more often. And then I didn’t. 

* The kids got to experience a wide range of mediums in a short amount of time. One thing I’ve noticed is that I don’t ‘have the time’ to allow my students to experiment with a lot of art supplies. This allowed me to do that.

* Everyone was very excited and engaged. I mean, it’s art, they usually are but…it was electric this time around. And they didn’t ‘need me’ or ask for my approval. 

* We created A LOT. I always feel guilty at the end of the school year that we only have a handful of pieces. We had a ton each that we created!

For that reason, I decided to take the same concept and apply it to the element of art of LINE. I noticed that many of my students, since the pandemic, are lacking in skill: drawing, cutting, you know, the basics. So I decided to do this centers or stations thing with ALL of my students, kindergarten through fourth. Ultimately, we will use these papers as backgrounds for a variety of projects (which will vary by grade) but for now…I’m excited with what we’ve made. I see so many possibilities with this idea: the elements of art, art history, new mediums, etc. And it has me excited. Which is something I’ve not felt in a while as the pandemic, as well as the following last two years, brought me severe burnout. 

If you are interested, here is the video I created for my students. I’ll be sharing the resources and how I created them in the next couple days. So stay tuned! 

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