Neurographic Art – Art is Basic
Neurographic art is an art form that was designed in 2014 by a Russian psychologist named Pavel Piskarov. It is an intuitive form of art that involves mindfulness and intentionality. We have over 100 billion neurons that transmit information from the brain to the rest of the body. These neurographic artworks kind of look like neurons and cells.
Piskarev’s Definition:
Neurographic art is a creative method of world transformation. It helps evolve our reality by engaging our emotional and aesthetic intelligence for discovering solutions to a variety of issues you may be working through.
Neuro- relates to neurons or cells that carry messages throughout your body from your brain.
Graphics- artistic symbols or imagery
Engaging in creative processes encourages your brain to make new neural pathways and connections. Focusing on an issue or question while working on an artwork directs more of your neurons towards this and enhances your ability to problem solve and make decisions.
So how do you make a neurographic artwork?
- Start with a thin black marker and intuitively doodle lines and slow deliberate scribbles around your page. Go off the edge of the page and overlap the lines in different places. When I taught this to kids, we used a technique where we used our marker to push a button across the page and off the edge of the paper over and over. It made a really cool random design for the kids. I found this technique online but I can’t remember where I saw it.
- Wherever lines intersect, round off the corners with your thin marker.
- Add color using water-soluble markers and water, or watercolor paints.
The first four artworks on this page were made by me. The next few examples were made by students in grades 3-5.
There are many resources online to learn more about neurographic art.
Neurographic Art Youtube Video
No Drawing Skill Required! by the Art of Ed