February 15, 2025


Art Shines Through

Evening at Hay Meadow | The Unfathomable Artist

Evening at Hay Meadow | The Unfathomable Artist

“Evening at Hay Meadow – Original” [13th July 2022] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with H, HB, 4B, 8B, charcoal (m) pencil and charcoal stick, signed in black ink on 280gsm 250mm x 300mm gesso primed canvas [pad], digitally edited image 3282 x 2807 pixels.

“Evening at Hay Meadow – Original” (shown above) took me around one hour in two sessions. The first session of approximately 35 minutes was made whilst sitting by the metal gate in Hay Meadow.

Literally viewing the composition you see in this sketch.

I took a photograph to continue working on a second draft session later that evening. Using charcoal stick, HB and medium charcoal pencils for around 25 minutes.

Upon completing the canvas artwork that late evening, I am very happy with this work. The differentiation between light and dark tones, just as the sound and silence intervals in music, makes for a very pleasing composition here.

“Evening at Hay Meadow – Sepia” [14th July 2022] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with H, HB, 4B, 8B, charcoal (m) pencils and charcoal stick, signed in black ink on 280gsm 250mm x 300mm gesso primed canvas [pad], digitally edited image 3282 x 2807 pixels.

‘Sepia’ (shown above) represents ye olde days prior to the modern Industrial Age (1760 onwards) when all global [agricultural] land was largely unpolluted, vigorous and pure. 

“Evening at Hay Meadow – Sunshine” [14th July 2022] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with H, HB, 4B, 8B, charcoal (m) pencils and charcoal stick, signed in black ink on 280gsm 250mm x 300mm gesso primed canvas [pad], digitally edited image 3282 x 2807 pixels.

For this ‘Sunshine’ artwork (shown above) I digitally added the Sun and sunflare you see beautifully radiant hovering over the treeline.
Viewing my ‘Sunshine’ version we can see the idea for the passing of time, interconnective to the Sepia style of photography.

Astronomers write that it takes over eight minutes for the light from our nearest star, the Sun, to reach Earth.

Therefore could we say there is a certain nostalgia to the hue we see representing time?

Look at how colour influences our perception of age. From sepia colours in photographs, to the aged reddish-rust we see upon once silvery shining metals.

“Evening at Hay Meadow – Green” [14th July 2022] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with H, HB, 4B, 8B, charcoal (m) pencils and charcoal stick, signed in black ink on 280gsm 250mm x 300mm gesso primed canvas [pad], digitally edited image 3282 x 2807 pixels.

‘Green’ (shown above) represents the colour of grasses and leaves attractively highlighting the beauty of nature in this artwork.

I really love every one of these new artworks. The clouds are understated yet substantive. There are three layers of darker tones, lower, mid and mid-upper in my composition. We see vagueness afar, whilst definition is somewhat clearer in the nearer foreground grass stalks. Although even with the latter I have tried to produce movement, as if the tall grasses are swaying.

I visually measured the grasses surrounding me in the field, that very evening. Certainly over four feet in least trodden areas nearer the ‘Ridge Willow’ fence, even nearing five feet tall!

“Where rabbits and insects are my friends”.

“Evening at Hay Meadow – Collage” [cropped – 14th July 2022] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist, drawing with H, HB, 4B, 8B, charcoal (m) pencils and charcoal stick, signed in black ink on 280gsm 250mm x 300mm gesso primed canvas [pad], digitally edited image 3264 x 3264 pixels.

For my ‘Collage’ artwork (shown above) I brought together ‘Original’, ‘Sepia’, ‘Green’ and ‘Sunshine’ into a slightly cropped collage of nine photographs. Visually repeating the artworks in Warhol style for dramatic artistic effect.

Please note my ‘Sepia’, ‘Sunshine’, ‘Green’ and ‘Collage’ artworks are all individual digital artworks. “Evening at Hay Meadow – Original” is a sketched canvas artwork, and a digital artwork too.

For those interested here is the photographic composition by myself from where my “Evening at Hay Meadow” series of artworks has derived:

“Evening at Hay Meadow – Photograph” [2010hrs, 13th July 2022 – unedited digital] by Matt The Unfathomable Artist.

This lovely photograph is taken whilst sitting directly in front of the metal gate adjoining Wren’s Nest Pond.

Hope you enjoy.

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